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Zenda Open API endpoints

To access our API, contact us and we'll send you our API documentation and access keys.

First, we'll give you a test API key that you can use with our test environment. Once you are ready to call our production environment, we will send you a production API key.

Domain Environment
https://api.zenda.global/live Production
https://api.zenda.global/test Test

Get a token

Method URL Description
POST [Domain]/token
Get a token using your credentials


Method URL Description
POST [Domain]/quotes/shipments Get a live shipping rate per parcel
POST [Domain]/quotes/baskets Get a tax and duty calculation for all the items on the shopping basket

Booking a shipment

Method URL Description
POST [Domain]/parcels
Create a new parcel
POST [Domain]/pieces
Create a new piece
POST [Domain]/pieces/{pieceID} Add a parcel to a piece 
POST [Domain/manifests/{manifestUID}/book Add parcels and pieces to a manifest and book the manifest
POST [Domain] /manifests/{manifestUID}/unlink Remove a parcel from a manifest
POST [Domain]/pieces/{pieceID}/unlink Remove a parcel from a piece

Retrieve shipping labels

Method URL Description
GET [Domain]/documents/labels Get the right label from a first mile, last mile or master air waybill ID
GET [Domain]/documents/manifests/{mAWBnumber}
Get all documents from a master air waybill number


Method URL Description
GET [Domain]/events Get all tracking events related to a parcel ID

Get shipment information

Method URL Description
GET [Domain]/parcels/{parcelID} Get details of a parcel
GET [Domain]/parcels
Retrieve a list of parcels
GET [Domain]/pieces Get piece details of a piece
GET [Domain]/pieces/{pieceID} Retrieve a list of pieces

Contact us on our website to get your documentation and access keys.

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